Thank you God for this vision! It took a whole year, but now I've got it. Time to seek the resources to implement this rather grandiose vision. But nothing is impossible with you - NOTHING. And I know you have put this vision on my heart. Thank you also for putting Chicago on my heart. Clear the path for me so that I might implement this vision to the glory of your name and kingdom!
I pray for the city of Chicago - that the city itself AND I will be ready for this big change. This HUGE addition to Chicago. Continue to mature this vision in my mind and heart as the time nears for me and my crew of fellow Christ-followers and Kingdom-bearers to launch this project in [downtown?] Chicago!
This is very exciting, Lord. Temper my idealism with some realism and pragmatism. Let this not be fleeting - may this be to the renewal of the city and the revival of your Church there! Help me to better connect with my brothers there - be they Christian, anarchists, homeless, artists, musicians, what have you. Lord, I know you will bring this to fruition in due time. I know also that you will lead me. Grant me the faith, courage, and discernment to follow.
Your humble servant,

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